Finding the Used Transit Mixer is not an easy task also, that should be fitted into your requirement according to size, brand, model, price, specification. Buy or sale used Transit Mixer not an easy as like other commercial vehicle or car. It need the very precise knowledge to judge the condition of Transit Mixer so apart from Transit Mixer you need search the specialize mechanic who can give your accurate brief about the machine. How much it cost to run after purchasing the Transit Mixer that includes the transportation, name transfer, basic maintenance, insurance cost. Heavy Equipments gives you the brief all about the related to your Transit Mixer.
Transit mixer is the kind of equipment that is used transporting ready mix concrete material from batching plant to construction site. In typically transit mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components of material.
Stephen is one of the person who invested the transit mixer in 1916 that was the predecessor of the concrete mixer and he allied for the patent. However the patent was rejected because it believed that truck unable to handle the weight of concrete mixer with liquid material on its top.
Transit mixer is loaded with predefined measured dry material and water. The interior of transit mixer fitted with spiral blade. Spiral bladge able to move into two directions. During clockwise drum loaded with material while anti clockwise drum discharge the material.
Transit mixer generally used almost all big projects. Project’s time limit is goes upto 6 month to 5 year. It uses in building, construction, highway, bridge, dams and factories.
Transit mixer offered by some of the best construction equipment manufacturer with best technology. Like : Sany , Schwing stetter, KYB conmat, Macons, Greaves. All these are the transit mixer drum manufacturer. They produce the drum from 6cum. To 8 cum.
Transit Mixer chassis available in below brands
Ashok leyland
Mercedes Benz
Transit mixer is all about the speedy the concerte work at site. Earlier construction and infrastructure companies used to do this all process manually. Due to this slow concreting process project time get double and project costing goes upto double of budget.
But now due to concrete equipment with latest technology infrastructure project get completed with minimum time period.
Transit mixer made with truck chassis and drum for mix the concrete material. Generally drum manufacturer dont manufacturer the chassis. So Transit mixer having the two engine. One engine mounted with the truck and another used to operate the drum. Both engine working and reading will be different.