Equipment ID
Soil Compactor
1107 EX
current city
current location
Tamil Nadu
registered state
manufacture year
manufacture month
Bore x Stoke - 104 x 115, Max Power - 100 hp, Charging Pressure - 27 bar, turning Radius - 3.65 m, Fuel tank - 235 L, Hydraulic Tank - 70 L, Engine coolant - 15 L, Displacement - 75 Cc, Operating Weight - 11030 kg.
If you are looking out for the renting out the Soil Compactor. This is one of the best places for rental companies as well as the hiring companies. Soil Compactor of Case 1107 EX is not an easy task to search for specific work. If you searching theSoil Compactor on rent in Chennai,Tamil Nadu then just fill up the contact form. You will get the text message of rental companies contact no. Case Soil Compactor rental price or you may ask to quote (charges) him. Rental Company can provide you per hour basis, per day basis, monthly basis. It is better to always search the Soil Compactor near around you that cost you low due to transportation costing.